Bringing the client´s idea into a business reality.
My mission is to find commercial counterparties interested in the client´s offering or partners who can meet the client´s needs. I set levels of interest with counterparties, and I engage in enabling transactions to its completion. Here some examples:
I pitch the appropriate sales channels for each product and service and I develop negotiations according to my client´s directives. Due to a proven working methodology, I assist clients to successfully grow their sales revenues.
Purchasing Power Agreements are increasingly pursued by investors, producers and offtakers of renewable energy. My tasks consist in facilitating the materialisation of the transaction by evaluating interests and objectives of offtakers and sellers.
Platform developers trust me to bring their projects into commercial operation. This requires to market products to potentially interested parties and to show how services actually work.
Being your best employee, not the smarter.
Leaving a positive mark long after the assignment ends means that the implemented changes are productive and consolidated. Please, read some practical applications:
When acting as CEO und Managing Director I achieve meaningful results in restructuring complex organizations, including operations, IT, procurement and sales. I also deal with the integration of international affiliates.
Confronting the “Blank-Piece-of-Paper” is a familiar task. I support investors and companies setting up and launching new ventures from scratch.
Assignments include acting as trainer and coach for teams and managers who face crisis situations and change management.
Focus on the core of the issue.
High quality analysis of market topics and trends with a practical application.
Development of analytical tools for clients entering energy retail markets. This service helps to identify entry accelerators and to realistically assess the profitability of different segments and customer targets.
I develop energy retail pricing strategies based on pricing-to-market across various sales channels and customer's segments.
I advise on back- and front office processes, in particular on B2B and B2C energy retail activities. This also entails supporting clients to choose the most convenient IT solution, and when necessary, managing its implementation.
Proven expertise and academic qualification.
Drafting of regulatory proposals; assisting clients to advocate their interests and positions publicly.
A typical assignment consists in the valuation of damages related to the non-delivery of an energy product, according to the complexities of each transaction.
Preparation of proposals to amend certain market regulations. Clients can also retain me to publicly represent their positions among stakeholders.